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dogs in heaven

dogs in heaven

de Patricia Lpez Rangel -
Número de respuestas: 3

En mi consulta regularmente tengo clientes de nacionalidad norteamericana, que en el trato al paso de los años se vuelven tambien amigos, una de ellos memando un mail y lo quiero compartir con todos ustedes, espero que les guste como sucedio conmigo.

Feliz dia de San Valentin, que el amor y la amistad inunde sus corazones.

Lo mando tal cual me lo enviaron en su idioma de origen.

Dra. Patricia López Rangel. UABC. Mazatlán, México.

Ced. Prof. 1735235.

This  is too sweet to not pass along and, being an animal lover myself, it touched my  heart.  I just wonder who sent the little girl the letter and the book.  God bless them. 

This  puts a new slant on "going postal" ... Hope it catches on!
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Our  dog Abbey died Aug. 23, and the day after Abbey died, my 4 year old, Meredith,  was SO upset. She wanted to write a letter to God so that God would recognize  Abbey in heaven. She told me what to write, and I did. 
Then  she put 2 pictures of Abbey in the envelope. We addressed it to God in Heaven,  put two stamps on it (because, as she said, it could be a long way to heaven).  We put our return address on it, and I let her put it in the
drop box at the  post office that afternoon. She was absolutely sure that letter would get to  heaven, and I wasn't about to disillusion her. 
So  on Labor Day, we took the kids to the museum in Austin,  and when we came home, there was a package wrapped in gold on our front porch.  It was addressed to Mer. So, she took it inside and opened it. 
Inside  was a book, When Your Pet Dies, by Mr. Rogers (Fred  Rogers). On the front cover was the letter we had written to God, in its envelope (opened). On the opposite page was one of the  pictures of Abbey taped on the page. On the back page was the other picture of  Abbey, and this handwritten note on pink paper: 
"Dear  Mer, I know that you will be happy to find out that  Abbey arrived safely and soundly in heaven. Having the pictures you sent to me  was a big help!
I recognized Abbey right away!  You  know, Mer, she isn't sick anymore. Her spirit is here  with me (-just like it stays in your heart-) young  and running and playing.
Abbey loved being your dog, you know. Since we don't  need our bodies in heaven, I don't have any pockets to keep things in-- so I am  sending you your beautiful letter back with the pictures--so that you will have  this little memory book to keep. 
One  of my angels is taking care of this for me. I hope this little book will help.  Thank you for your beautiful letter. Thank your mother for sending it.
What a  wonderful mother you have. I picked her especially for you. 
God  blesses you every day and remember, I love you very much. By the way, I am in  heaven and everywhere there is love.  Signed,  God, and one of his special angels (who wrote this letter after God told HER the  words)." 
How  wonderful is that! I never knew there were angels working at the post office.  

En respuesta a Patricia Lpez Rangel

Re: dogs in heaven

de Usuario eliminado -

Querida Patricia: Gracias por compartir esa hermosa carta.No puedo parar de llorar porque mientras la iba leyendo, pensaba en mi compañera de 12 años, llamada Ricota, que murio el 27 de dic de 2006.

feliz dia para todos .Ana. Cordoba.

En respuesta a Patricia Lpez Rangel

Re: dogs in heaven

de Gabriela rios sau -
Saludos Patricia, muy linda la carta, la verdad creo que como a la mayoría de las mujeres también me conmovió bastante, la verdad eso es de lo que más admiro de las personas de nuestro vecino país, el amor que tienene por sus compañeros animales, ya que los ven de igual, ojalá algún día en nuestro País llegue a suceder igual, que terminen los animales callejeros, perros en los techos o amarrados o simplemente animales que sufren cualquier maltrato. Un saludo y gracias por compartir la carta.
MVZ Gabriela Rios Sau, GDL, México